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Ford announced today that the second phase of construction at Michigan Central Station is underway, including restoring eight acres of masonry and repairing the steel structure of the historic Beaux-Arts building.
Ford, corporate sponsors and Mexico City are launching City:One Challenge Mexico City, a program that invites residents and business and community groups to propose solutions to improve mobility in Mexico City.
Ford Motor Company is aiming to make each part of its ownership experience easier and worry-free, building customer ranks and revenues over time, led by Chief Customer Experience Officer Elena Ford.
Ford Motor Company and creators of the Transportation Mobility Cloud (TMC) Autonomic have signed a multi-year, global agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Strengthening Mustang’s performance reach for 2020, the all-new High Performance Package creates the most powerful American four-cylinder sports car from the entry-level Mustang.
Ford Motor Company today announced key leadership changes as it accelerates progress on the global redesign of its business, product resurgence, and vision to become the world’s most trusted company designing smart vehicles for a smart world.
Ford and the City of Indianapolis are launching the Indianapolis City:One Challenge, a co-creation and crowdsourcing program for residents, businesses and community groups to propose and pilot solutions that improve mobility.
Ford is adding new engines, greater connectivity and smart new driver-assist technology across its commercial vehicle lineup – on everything from the vans that deliver our food to the plows that clear our streets to the utility trucks that restore our power after a storm.
As part of a comprehensive redesign of its global business, Ford Motor Company today announced it will exit the commercial heavy truck business in South America.